Sunday, January 3, 2010


Joanne has a friend at work that gave her a little advise, which is very common sense, but so hard to control!!!  This friend helped her sister lose 40# in three months.  She did this by doing just basic exercise, nothing special and the following:

1. Portion control! 
     Maybe this would be easier by getting smaller plates instead of the really big ones I have.  And taking only one plate at mealtime and not going back for seconds!  Guess I will be shopping for new plates!!  Because with my big plates, I fill it with food and I have to eat it until it is clean!  Cannot leave any food behind, and if I have smaller plates, I will take less food!  I think I can handle that!  I really hope so.

2. Eat a vegetable and a fruit at EACH meal
     This one may be a bigger challenge for me.  I am in love with fruit but veggies and I do not get along at all!  I can handle peas and that is about it.  I have tried V8 (even the fruit stuff) - can we say, YUCK!! I like corn too, but is not a REAL veggie I guess.  So, I will be doing some research to see what I can do to substitute this disgusting substance into my diet!  Now, these can be canned or fresh, just as long as you avoid the syrup as best you can, and all the extras you can put on the veggies, like extra butter, cheese, etc!

3. If you feel like snacking, chug a glass of water before you do! No water - no snack!
     Yes - this one is a DUH, but I think I can do it.  I sometimes have a hard time straying away from those quick little snacks, like one handfull of potato chips, or one snack size candy or a little piece of cheese.  Plus, the not liking water too much may be challenging with this too.  I did purchase some SoBe the other day at Target because they had a deal of 10/$10 and then you get a $5 giftcard when you buy 10, so I bought them and I have to say that I really like them.  And, I do like Crystal Light, so I will have to go back to that again as well!  So, I hope this goes very well!

Some cute little tips to go by!  I also have tried the "Do Instead" Jar and failed with that, but I may try it again. It is a jar that you sit on your counter and fill it with things to do and if you feel a snack attack coming on, pick a piece of paper from the jar and go do that instead.  But, I think I am liking the water thing better.  Maybe a combination of both will not be so bad!  I could put in there like, do 10 jumping jacks or 10 squats, vacuum the living room or read 5 pages of a book.  We will see how this goes!

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